I chose varying weights, point sizes and capitalization of a singular font family to express
the meaning of the word "mainstream."

I chose a stylized font to create an earthy feel in the stylization of the font and varied the
letter sizing to relate the aesthetic to an increase in grade. 

I chose to style the word "driven" depicting action and movement. I used a stylized font that have a sports feel to it and italicized to word to give it direction.

For the word fashion I chose a font that was decorative, elegant, romanticized, and contemporary. By increasing the space between the letters and cutting that page diagonally I gave the word more personality, expressing the idea of fashion in minimalist terms.

For the word "subtlety" I chose an unadorned font and placed it in the lower right corner. This lets the open space of the page do the work in expressing this words meaning. 

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